How to buy
You have multiple options for buying SKAARHOJ products. Here are a few of the obvious options:
Buying directly from our webshop enables you the direct delivery from the factory. This is subject to our standard terms and conditions as you will find further down this page
Purchase Order directly to SKAARHOJ
You may also purchase directly by sending your Purchase Order to This is subject to our standard terms and conditions as you will find further down this page.
We have many resellers around the world, some of whom have a webshop. These may be in your region, which can be beneficial with regards to customs and same time-zone support. You may find those listed below, or simply search online using your preferred search engine.
System integrators / Installers
Many companies specialize in creating solutions, which benefit from the flexibility and modularity of the SKAARHOJ panels. These may quote your panel as a part of a solution or sell it separately.
Buying directly on PO or through the SKAARHOJ Webshop
Our webshop is designed to make it easy to order and pay for your product. Please note that we only sell to registered companies (B2B), which provide a valid VAT ID or similar valid reference. We are not able to sell to private individuals/consumers (B2C).
If you submit your PO to, please make sure to include all information regarding your company registration (e.g. VAT ID), exact product, your need by date and instructions for shipment.
You may need to know that we sell through 2 different entities based on your location:
If you’re located in North America, SKAARHOJ Inc based in California, US will be the selling entity
If you’re located anywhere else, SKAARHOJ ApS based in Denmark will be the selling entity
All prices quoted are on ExWorks Denmark terms. Shipment, VAT, Taxes and Duties are not included
Shipping terms and charges
As mentioned above, our standard term is ExWorks. With this, we will be using your appointed freight forwarder and your account with that company. We will typically not add additional charges, except if you have special costly requirements, in which case we will ask you to cover the cost of those.
In many areas, we offer to ship using our DHL Express account and charge you a competitive price per product shipped. This is done on DAP or DDP terms, depending on the region. Please see general conditions below for your region, or inquire for specific details for your order.
Payment terms
Our standard payment terms are 100% prepayment. This can be done either using a credit card through our webshop, bank transfer or paypal.
Returning customers with significant business and a proven track record of on-time payment may qualify for 14 days Net terms. This is subject to individual evaluation and approval by our credit insurance company.
Conditions by region
Customers from Denmark will be buying from us as a domestic transaction, for which we will need to add 25% Danish VAT on top of the quoted pricing. As usual, you will be able to deduct this in your VAT tax returns.
EU based customers will be buying from us as an Intra-Community transaction, for which VAT is exempt. You will need to report your purchase in your VAT return as VAT exempt Intra-Community purchase.
North America (US/Canada)
Even though you are based North America and we’re selling through SKAARHOJ Inc, we will ship directly from the factory in Denmark.
If you choose to have us organize shipment for you, you don’t need to worry about customs etc. We’ve got you covered.
If you prefer to buy on ExWorks terms using your freight forwarder, you should keep in mind that you will be responsible for shipment from Denmark and customs clearance into the US or Canada.
You should know, that we will be adding US Sales Tax on to sales to certain states, currently California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania. If you have a valid reseller certificate, please send it to us, so we can utilize an exemption from the Sales Tax.
Rest of the world
Customers from outside the above regions will be buying on terms of regular international sales. We can still help with shipment using our rates. Local import into your country will be on you. Typically the freight forwarder will clear customs on behalf of you and charge you for local duties and taxes.
When placing your order, please clarify if you like for SKAARHOJ to organize transportation (DAP terms) or if you like for us to use your appointed freight forwarder (ExWorks terms).