L13: Labels
In this session we will apply alternative custom labels and graphics to the wonderful OLED displays found on SKAARHOJ controllers. We will discuss the difference beteeen a display showing “status” (solid title bar) or “label” (line under title) for a hardware component. You will see how to add labels fully, partially and for both actions that support it directly and for any action.
Summary: Kasper argues how the OLED displays on SKAARHOJ controllers are flexible because of the displays. He demonstrates how the ATEM switcher labels can be changed easily. Then he mentions cases for using local labels, such as graphics for macro playback, and alternative labels for the 2M/E selector created in the previous video. He syncs the local configuration back to the cores.skaarhoj.com server, then he moves on to adding strings in the online configuration. Adding strings and graphics can only be done online and has to be compiled into the firmware. After uploding a new firmware he demonstrates how we can add the labels to the controller using local configuration.. For memory A you can assign a label directly using the label parameter. For the media player button a label is added by a “Local Label” action. Kasper also talks about the difference of a solid title bar or just the line (the solid bar means the display shows the current value and the line means the display shows a label for what value you get if you press the button). Other functions like “Clear” is demonstrated. Also, it’s demonstrated how the label for a button consists of both the title and the label line by separation with a vertical pipe. Finally Kasper adds 6 graphics to the controller for macro playback using the “System: Local Graphic” action.